Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reader Response Journal #3

Christopher Boone is a very logical thinker. He believes that nothing happens to you after you die, except that you just rot in the ground. However, he does have a good reason to believe this. He does not believe in God because he cannot see God and God is not on earth.

The other day, at my church's youth group, our youth pastor, Ben, talked about different beliefs that people have. He asked one question, " What do you believe in? Whether it be Christianity, Judhism, Hinduism, or reincarnation or whatever your beliefs may be, do you have a good reason?"

This really opened my eyes, because many people believe many different things, and have different opinions. But when you ask someone to tell you why they believe what they do, they can't always tell you why. But when you can tell someone why you believe in something, it really shows how strong their faith is. I find this really inspiring.

As for me, I believe in Christianity, and everything that it entails. I believe this, because Jesus died for us all, because he loved us all and he was all God and all human at the same time, and he wanted to fix our broken relationship with the Lord. I believe in God because of his never ending love. I have had my share of people leaving me, and I know that if everyone in my life leaves, I know the One still remains. I know this because He is my whole heart. He is my life, and I live for Him. He loves me and everyone else in the world equally, even if they don't love Him back, because we are all his creations. I cannot imagine a lofe without Him.

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