Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reader Response Journal #5

When Christopher is uncomfortable or doesn't understand something in a situation, he just walks away. Let's talk about that concept.

I have had a lot of experience with people that run away from their problems. Nowadays, society has taught us that walking away from an uncomfortable or confusing situation is the best way to deal with it. Hiding behind our technology is another way to deal with this, avoid confrontation at all cost. But we aren't dealing with these things, we are running away. We aren't learning anything about how to handle life.

Ultimately, running away is not the solution. It doesn't solve anything. It prolongs everything. If people are upset with each other, and they don't talk about it and try to work it out, their feelings are left to fester. Their relationships break apart because they can't deal with each other, whether they are family, friends, or lovers.

The right thing to do here is to sit down and talk. Communication is key. If things are worked out, the feeling afterwards is not as bad as it could be(if the result is bad). Working it out is the best way to handle things, and if people need space, they get it. They will respect each other more. If a relationship breaks, it should be because nothing else could be done and because it is best for the two people, not out of anger or spite.

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